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Felt Shoes & Slippers
These Felt Shoes and Slippers are most popular in winter season. These indoor shoes and slippers are very warm enough that protects your leg from cold. From adults to kids will love these slippers.
These indoor shoes are very colorful and so artistic that can be also gifted to friends, families and relatives.
Woolen Felt Shoes | Felt Unisex Indoor Slipper | Winter Shoes | Natural & Handmade
These uniquely designed shoes by our Nepalese craftswoman make a truly unique product that adds to your footwear collection and most importantly creat..
availabe: 100 in stock
Woolen Felt Shoes | Felt Unisex Indoor Slipper | Winter Shoes | Natural & Handmade
These uniquely designed shoes by our Nepalese craftswoman make a truly unique product that adds to your footwear collection and most importantly creat..
availabe: 80 in stock